Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Two Ghost Decorations for Outdoors

If you have the Halloween spirit, but want to stay with in a budget or like making your own decorations, then you can decorate your house from top to bottom without spending a ton of money. One of my favorites is a creating Ghost Trees. These ghost are so simple to make with either white plastic bags or old white sheet. I prefer the sheet since they last longer and can be used every year. These ghost can make any front yard fun, spooky or silly without scaring way the little ones that come to your door on Halloween. All you need is a little time and your imagination to come up with your very own Halloween ghost family.

How to Make a Haunted Ghost Tree

To make a haunted ghost tree:
You need some old white sheets that you can purchase at Goodwill or Salvation army. You want old sheets that you don't mind drawing or painting on.
Purchase several Styrofoam balls in different sizes to use for the head.
Plastic cord or shoelaces
Paint, Markers and Halloween decorations
Glue or Glue sticks

First place a Styrofoam balls into the center of the sheet and then tie it with a plastic cord letting the rest of the sheet hang down to form the ghost.
Next you draw a face on the head part with a permanent marker or paint. It is important to experiment using different colors to make it even creepier, then add fun sign, stickers or Halloween props with glue to make each one of your ghost unique.

A Cool Tip: A way to make an even scarier yard is to draw different facial expressions on the ghosts. Make some seem smiling, others laughing and others to literally look dead! You can then put them all over the yard with the ghosts in different posture.

How to Make a Halloween Lawn Ghost Family:

 List of Items you'll need to make a Lawn Ghost Family:

Several large white garbage bags,pillow or twin sheets.
10 -12 inch or larger Styrofoam balls for the head.
Plastic cord or rope to tie off the sheet to hold the head.
1 (3/4 inch or 7/8 inch dia.) wood dowel for each ghost purchased at Home Depot
Felt, paint or makers to make the face
Old hats or other items to add character to each ghost

1. Place the wood dowel in the center of each Styrofoam ball to make a hole. Take out the stick, then add some glue into the hole and place the stick back into the hole. Let it dry over night for a more secure head.

2. Cover the Styrofoam ball with either the trash bag or center of twin sheet, then tie the center with a the cord, forming the head of your ghost.

3. Draw a face on the head part with a permanent marker or cut out and glue felt piece for the face. Have fun making each ghost face unique by using different colors. Another idea is to print or photo copy the face of each family member, then glue them on to each one of the ghost to make it a real ghost family.

4. Add item like hats, glue on hands and other props that you can find to make them look like a family.

5. Place stick into ground. To make it easier to place the ghost into ground, soak the spot a few minutes before planting the stick.

Cool Tips: Make some of the ghost match your favorite sport teams, different ages or just let your imagination run with different way to dress up your Halloween lawn ghost family.


Why Do We Enjoy Ghosts?

Ghosts and the belief in and sightings of ghosts have been happening since the beginning of time. A ghost is the spirit (some say) of a deceased person (or animal) that appears to living humans in a recognizable form. These visions;usually occur in places that were familiar to and frequented by the deceased; their place of birth, death, or where they lived most of their earthly life. Sometimes ghosts are also associated with the deceased person's earthly possessions.

Today the entity that is known to Christians as the Holy Spirit; was referred to as the Holy Ghost in earlier times. About 32% of all Americans believe in the existence of ghosts. Some cultures have depicted ghosts of the departed returning in a symbolic form or an animal or a bird. But generally most cultures believe that the ghost of the departed is an exact duplication of the person as they appeared in life.

Ghosts are usually believed to be composed of an airy or misty substance. It's believed that this conception of how a ghost looks comes from ancient cultures who believed that ghosts were actually a person within a person and that the ghost existed in the breath of the host human. The word ; has also come to mean soul; in many cultures.

Ghosts are deeply rooted in the history of all cultures. Some believe that ghosts are looking for vengeance for wrongs done to them during their lifetimes. Others believe that ghosts are spirits that are imprisoned on earth because of bad things that they did during their human lifetime. Still others believe that ghosts are "good" spirits and have returned to earth to guard and protect their ancestors.

Many ghost stories date back to ancient times and are rooted in mythology. I guess that why we still love ghost and ghost stories today.

How to Tell a Really Good Ghost Story: 

No Halloween Party would be complete without a good Ghost story and great storytellers have been revered by every society since the beginning of time. A Great storyteller is rare these days and those who can tell a convincing ghost story are even rarer. If you want to tell a real hair-raising ghost story, then you need to prepare. You must create the mood first before you begin your story. The success of your ghost story depends more on preparation than anything else.

First, you'll need a partner to participate in this crime%u2026I mean story. It's vital that certain things happen at the appropriate time to build suspense. You should NOT let your audience know, however, that you have a partner.

There are some props that you'll need to help pull off your Ghost story:

* Candles
* A fan
* Sound Effects
* A flashlight
* And (f you have a place to build a fire) firewood.

The room needs to be dark and filled with eerie shadows that are cast by flickering candles burning around and room and the fire if you have a fireplace. There should be no artificial light except for the flashlight that shines on your own face. Silence is frightening all by itself.

* Gather your listeners and start your story by speaking slowly in a soft voice. All good ghost stories begin in ordinary, everyday circumstances.

* Get louder gradually as your story builds and pick up the rate of speech, but just slightly. You want to be understood.

* Have your partner turn a fan on and make the candles flicker briefly from time to time.

* Direct your partner to use sound effects at specific points in your story (a creaking door or rattling chains).

As you build toward the climax of your story, have your partner turn the flashlight off for just a few seconds and you should be silent,then have your partner turn the flashlight back onto your face as you end with a blood-curdling scream! Works every time!

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