Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Crafts Ideas for Children

Where to find Halloween Crafts Ideas For Children:

Halloween is a great time of year for Children to explore their creativity, fun and also courage. It is also a bonding session for both the kids and the parents since they get to be together and enjoy the time. One of the best ways to foster these bonding sessions is through the use of the various Halloween crafts ideas for Children that are available.

There are many crafting activities that you can let your child do themselves. Many of these crafts are simple things that sort of look scary or simply spooky. However, if you are relatively busy or you have simply run out of ideas, there are many avenues from which you can get simple Halloween kids’ crafts ideas.

The best place to find alot of Craft ideas is on the internet, all you have to do is to type the words “Halloween crafts for kids” in any  search engine and with the click of the mouse; you will be able to access alot of different craft ideas. There are some Halloween crafts ideas that are relatively easy while some are more complex and will need the help of the parents. Many of these ideas are inexpensive  and let you use items that you already have around the house.

Here Are 3 Halloween Craft Ideas For Children:

1. Ghost Chair Covers: 

All that you will need is a permanent marker, glue and a slipcover made from a few yards of felt or old sheets. You then cut the felt depending on the size of the chair and then pin it along  the sides of the chair. Draw various scary images such as flying bats with fangs and ugly ghosts with malicious smiles onto the felt, then repeat with the other chairs you want to cover for Halloween .

2. Spooky Skeleton Bones:
  This craft requires adult supervision or help to make, but it will look so cool outside in the front yard.

Thing you will need :
  1.  2 pieces, 1-inch wide PVC pipes, 10 feet long  PVC cutter or saw
  2. 4 90-degree elbows 
  3. 4 45-degree elbows 
  4. 4 cross connector
  5.  2 T-connectors 
  6. Gallon size empty plastic milk jug 
  7. Scissors 
  8. Marker (optional)
  9. Putty
  1.  Cut the first 10-foot long pipe into four 20-inch lengths for the skeleton's legs, two 14-inch lengths for the upper arms and two 7-inch lengths for the hips.
  2.  Cut the second 10-foot pipe into two 10-inch lengths for the skeleton's forearms, two 9-inch lengths for the shoulders, one 12-inch piece for the neck and 10 4-inch pieces for the rib cage. You can set aside the extra pipe that will be remaining, you won't need it.
  3.  Attach the leg pieces together by screwing one 20-inch pipe into one side of a 45-degree elbow, then screwing another 20-inch pipe into the other side. Repeat with the remaining two 20-inch pipes and 45-degree elbow.
  4. Attach the 14-inch long upper arm to the 10-inch forearm by screwing the ends of the pipe into a 45-degree elbow. Repeat with the other 14-inch and 10-inch pieces.
  5. Attach a 90-degree elbow to the top of each 14-inch piece and to the top of the 20-inch pieces.
  6.  Attach one hip piece to the 90-degree elbow on each leg, then attach a shoulder piece to the 90-degree elbow on each arm.
  7. Assemble the rib cage by pushing four rib pieces into the openings on a cross connector. Push the top rib piece into the bottom of another cross connector, then place three more rib pieces in the openings. Push another cross connector onto the top rib piece, then attach three more rib pieces. Push another cross connector onto the top rib piece, then slide the shoulder pieces into the openings on each side and the neck piece into the top hole.
  8. Push the T-connector onto the bottom rib piece, then push the two hip pieces into the sides of the connector. Your skeleton should be assembled now except for the head.
  9. Cut two holes in the front of the empty jug for the skeleton's eye sockets. Cut a hole for the nose and mouth, too. You can also draw these holes with a black marker.
  10. Slide the opening of the jug over the neck piece and fill with the putty to hold in place. Set the skeleton out to decorate your lawn or entrance.
3Ghost in Trees: 
This one is simple and fun. All you need are some old white sheets, Large Balloons or balls for the head, paint or markers and string.
Decorate the sheet with faces or any thing you want on your ghost
Wrap the sheet over the top of the balloon or ball
Cut a the string long enough to wrap around the sheet to make the head or cut a small hole on top of the sheet to attach it to the balloon, then hang it up on a branch of a tree in the yard.

 It is important to make sure that your child is involved in making the craft. Plus do not forget to congratulate them on their crafts, no matter how imperfect it might seem to you. It is about having fun with them and not create a perfect design. Because the one thing to remember about doing Halloween crafts together is that it lets you send time with your kids as they use imaginations and have fun.

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